Saturday, May 12, 2018

Limit: Reached

Until yesterday I didn't know what my limit was.

Yes, I've packed on many poundskis in the last few years.  It seems like I can eat non-stop.  I can even eat when I feel full.  It would be impressive were I not so out of shape. (No, round isn't a shape, it just describes a shape!)

Before I left for work yesterday I had breakfast, as I do every morning.  At school, though, our PTSA had laid out quite a spread for us.  If they told us in advance that they'd be doing so, I missed that memo.  How can I turn down all those goodies?  I even made mimosas--ok, it was just Perrier and orange juice, but it was still pretty good!

We absolutely weren't told in advance that they'd also be providing lunch for us.  Sandwiches, chips, cheese and crackers, fruit--yes, they're pretty generous.  I did my part to demonstrate that I appreciated their efforts by eating enough that there shouldn't have been many leftovers!

I have a student teacher in the period right before lunch, so I ate that lunch right before our lunch period.  Why, you ask?  Because during lunch I was to help pass out ice cream to our Undergrad Award winners.  There's always someone absent or who doesn't want his/her ice cream, which means there are always some ice creams left over for the teachers in the staff lounge I frequent (ranch-style campus means 3 staff lounges).  Yes, I had an ice cream.

And it being Friday and all, after school there was 7th Period, our euphemism for Happy Hour.  This week's 7th period was at a hole-in-the-wall that has amazing food but, when it comes to alcohol, serves only beer, and I don't like beer.  When we go there I usually have a root beer float, and yesterday was no exception.  That, and a pulled pork sandwich.  Which came with a big basket of fries.

Those poor fries, they didn't have a chance.  But that sandwich.  After I got through the first half, it dawned on me that I wouldn't even enjoy the second half.  That's how stuffed I was.  I'd finally reached my limit.

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