Saturday, May 12, 2018

Is This "Peak Stupid", Or Is There More?

If this isn't the stupidest thing I've ever heard, it's up there in the pantheon:
An Aussie sex education expert says parents should ask for permission to change a child’s diaper, reports Kashmira Gander on Newsweek.

“We work with parents from birth” on how to create a “culture of consent,” said Deanne Carson, who works for Body Safe Australia.

She acknowledges that babies can’t talk.
The comments at the above post are all great, but two really stood out to me.

Regarding the "culture of consent":
Carson makes the important point that asking for consent and making eye contact is all that is required, even if your victim is kicking and screaming.
Shall we carry Carson's "culture of consent" a little further?
How about we ask a fetus for its consent before we kill it and rip it out of its mother’s womb?
Shall we do that, Ms. Carson?


  1. Anna A5:07 AM

    I like and agree with the last comment that you shared in this post.

  2. Darren, who wonder about “Peak stupidity.”

    I’ve often observed, you think you’ve seen someone hit rock bottom on stupidity, just wait. Someone else will get a jackhammer and break the rocks, going deeper.

  3. Helen5:24 PM

    And what do you do if the child doesn’t want you to change their diaper? There are some verbal toddlers who are still in diapers, and often they don’t want their playing interrupted. Do you just let them sit in it, or do you remember that you’re the adult and they’re the child, and that adults have a responsibility to protect children? Children and adults are not equals - and that goes double for children still in diapers.

  4. Did you read *this* one?
