Monday, May 18, 2009

How's the CTA Spending Your Money?

CTA is spending even more teachers' money on losing ballot initiatives:
The battle over six budget-related measures on Tuesday's special election ballot has generated more than $31.5 million in campaign spending, split the state's labor community and created strange bedfellows on both sides.

Supporters, aided by the powerful California Teachers Association and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's business allies, have raised more than $27.6 million to back Propositions 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E and 1F...

The California Teachers Association and its national affiliate, the National Education Association, have spent $12.2 million, mostly in support of propositions 1A and 1B. But the CTA also has given nearly $2 million to a campaign committee backing all six measures.

California teachers, if you really supported the political leanings of your union, you'd have donated this money out of your own pocket instead of just saying that you agree with the union's position.


  1. We DID donate the money out of our own pocket. I didn't even support two thirds of those positions, and I STILL gave. How 'bout that?!

  2. I disagree, max--that money was extorted from you before it ever even made it to your pocket.

  3. And if we hadn't been forced to pay union dues, I might have more money to give to the other side. Every full-color flier in my mailbox and all 3 of the phonecalls so far have been spent with MY money and I DON'T LIKE IT!!

  4. Y'all misconstrued my point. there are two ways to have money out of your pocket. One is willingly, the other not. We arrive at the same amount of spending cash either way. I know I could renounce my union membership, but it doesn't make sense to give up the legal protections. I would much rather try to affect change from within.

  5. "Effecting change from within" is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
