Monday, May 18, 2009

The "Fighting Native Wussies"

Joanne reports that the University of North Dakota is giving up its logo and mascot "The Fighting Sioux".

I've written about mascots before here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. The best summary of my thoughts regarding mascots is from one of those links:

Note to lefties: not everyone wants to be represented by the Banana Slug (UC Santa Cruz). Stop getting your panties in a bunch about perceived slights that really don't exist. Have you seen the San Francisco 49ers 'mascot' at a game? Are you complaining that he looks like a fat, red-haired guy with a too-big mustache--and that's demeaning to red-haired guys with too-big mustaches? Nope, you're not. And if you are, you have other issues. Fighting Irish, anyone?

People choose mascots based on something they respect and/or like. Teams and schools call themselves the Eagles, the Bears, the Lions, the Mustangs, the Dragons, the Warriors--things that inspire respect and motivate their fans. I'll never understand how people take offense at that.
I'm sure the UND fans would love to cheer for the Fighting Native Wussies.

I wonder what would happen if some Christians complained that Duke's, Wake Forest's, or Arizona State's mascots are an insult to their religion. Actually, no, I don't wonder at all. I know that the ole double standard would kick in--only certain groups get to be aggrieved, even if not legitimately.


  1. I just know that if my child goes on to play football, I wouldn't want him to grow up to be a boy named Sioux . . .

  2. PeggyU7:09 PM

    Hahahaha ... somebody had to do that.

  3. Best Mascot ever, the Port Aransas Fighting Sand Crabs. But sadly, they changed it several years ago. I found out recently that our school was seriously considering the mascot name "Hippos". Imagine the hilarity that would ensue when cheerleaders with the word "Hippos" emblazoned across their chest arrived on the fields. San Marcos TX has a school whose colors are silver and purple and have the mascot name "Unicorns."
    Maybe we should have the San Diego Grub Worms or the Cleveland Sandbass. Don't these people have anything more productive to do with their lives?

  4. "...Christians complained"

    Those San Diego Padres haven't got a prayer

  5. Just saw a story about a Christian College dropping their Crusader Mascot.
    Now they are called the Lions.
    Can you see the Irony there?

    On a related note...
    It's surprising to see that Jeep still sells the Cherokee

  6. I always considered naming a school mascot after a group was an honor. My high school was the Pioneers after the pioneer spirit of East Tennessee. The University of Tennessee are the Volunteers, honoring the man who volunteers to fight in the Indian Wars and Mexican-American War.

    I wonder if the Liberal, Kansas high school is known as the "Cry Babies."

  7. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Probably the funniest high school mascot I know of are the Monroe, WI Cheesemakers.

  8. At least they aren't the Cheesecutters.

  9. On Monday, John Stewart, reporting on Obama's commencement speech, referred to Notre Dame as the school with the "nation's most redundant mascot."
