Monday, March 13, 2023

Will The Swedish Scold Learn From This?

Adherents of the Church of Global Warming are no different from the kooks who predict Christ's return on such-and-such a date:
Being the international spokesperson for a fake crisis can be tough, as the child actor who acts as the mouthpiece for the climate change industry has just been reminded. On Saturday, Human Events senior editor Jack Posobiec tweeted at pint-sized climate scold Greta Thunberg, “Hi @GretaThunberg! Why did you delete this?” The deleted tweet in question had Greta quoting this: “A climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.” The date on Greta’s tweet? June 21, 2018. Either we have just over three months to live, or Greta’s tweet was juuuuust a trifle hysterical. Her deletion of the tweet suggests that even Greta knows that the sun is likely to rise on June 22, 2023.
How many times do they have to be wrong before they figure out their religion is bunk?  Being wrong so often would deter normal people. These are not normal people.
My guess is that if Grumpy Greta learned anything from this, it's that you either don't put a firm date on your climate predictions, or else you put a date much farther into the future.  Let's see how she performs next time.
Oh, and we'll also see if she goes to China.  Just sayin'. 

1 comment:

  1. Now that Wokism in all it's various manifestations from COVID/Fauci Worship to Climate Change activism has become the State Religion, daring to defy the precepts by using facts and information will become increasingly difficult. Even now there are plenty of studied and reams of data showing that the COVID vaccines were woefully ineffective, that they may be damaging and that masks and lockdowns were draconian assaults on freedoms. In terms of Climate Change, there are so many make fortunes from tortured alternative energy sources that they do not dare to allow the plentiful amounts of US oil and gas reach market. It's not political anymore. It's a religion.
