Monday, March 13, 2023

Three Years Ago Today...

...was my last day at school that year.  I really expected decent people, adults, to make good decisions, and I expected to be back at work in 3 weeks.

Temporarily shutting down schools in the early days of the 'rona, when no one knew anything, seemed reasonable.  Keeping them shut for a year was disastrous.


  1. One of the saddest parts of the covid-era online learning, was many teachers adopted it permanently. It's not unusual to walk into a classroom and see student's heads buried in their laptops. My grandson often comes home and I ask, "What did you do in math today?". His answer is, "Kahn Academy."

    It's both a lazy way to teach, and a horrible learning experience.

  2. It seemed reasonable... and that's how they got their hooks in.

  3. Just two or three weeks---months---years to flatten the curve, remember.
