Tuesday, March 21, 2023

We Need More Diversity Directors Like This One

If we have to have such positions at colleges, I'd prefer they be filled with people like Dr. Lee:

A faculty director of the Office of Equity, Social Justice and Multicultural Education at De Anza College in Cupertino, California, says her contract was not renewed after she questioned the school’s so-called “anti-racism” policies. The diversity director, a black woman, added that she experienced “hostility, harassment, and bullying” after speaking out. 

Dr. Tabia Lee told Inside Higher Ed that her contract is being terminated after she questioned antiracist “orthodoxy,” objected to the college’s land acknowledgments for an Indigenous tribe, and tried to bring a “Jewish inclusion” event to campus. 

Lee added that additional reasons for her contract not being renewed by the college included her declining to join a “socialist network,” refusing to use the terms “Latinx” and “Filipinx,” and inquiring why the word “black” was capitalized but not “white.” 

The former diversity director, who is black, added that an employee in her diversity office accused her of “white speaking,” “whitesplaining,” and supporting white supremacy.

So-called land acknowledgements are my favorite:  those people used to live here, but it's ours now, and no, we're not going to give it back.  That's essentially what every so-called land acknowledgement says!  But back to Dr. Lee:

“People have literally attacked me just for doing what I always taught my students to do, which is to think critically, to respect diverse opinions and viewpoints, and to exercise their own freedom of expression,” she added.

I respect her opinion. 

Anyone want to place bets on whether she gets her job back eventually?

1 comment:

  1. PeggyU11:34 AM

    I doubt whether she will get her job back - but if she does I will consider endorsing Cupertino College.
