Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Good Law, Or No?

My initial response was to support this law, but now I'm not so sure.  I still support the intent, but I question whether this is a federal responsibility.  Yes, they can certainly tie the objectives to getting school funding, but just because they can do that doesn't mean that it's right to do so; either it's a federal responsibility or it's not, and I'm leaning towards not.

A U.S. lawmaker introduced legislation to Congress on Wednesday that would require schools to receive parental permission before a student changes their pronouns, a response to a lawsuit by a parent whose daughter allegedly began to secretly transition genders at a California school.

The “Prohibiting Parental Secrecy Policies in Schools Act,” sponsored by Republican California Rep. Doug LaMalfa, would withhold federal funding from schools if they do not implement policies which require parental permission before a student can change their name or pronouns at school. The legislation was drafted as a response lawsuit from Aurora Regino, who is suing Chico Unified School District after a counselor allegedly helped her daughter secretly transition genders, LaMalfa told the Daily Caller News Foundation...

The Center for American Liberty filed a lawsuit on behalf of Regino in January after she found out that a school counselor had allegedly been helping her 10-year-old daughter transition genders, convincing the girl to use he/him pronouns and a male name at school. The counselor, whom Regino never met, had allegedly advised Regino’s daughter that she was a boy and to “come out” to other people before telling her mother, Regino told the DCNF.

Shame on California for having a policy that requires educators to keep information from parents: 

The California Department of Education guidance prohibits school districts from telling parents if their child has changed their name or pronouns at school, a policy which Chico Unified School District has adopted, Regino told the DCNF.

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