Monday, March 20, 2023

It's Hard To Feel Sorry For These Students

They choose to pay for crap like this--don't they vote on it?  Or does their student government make such decisions unilaterally?

A “green initiative” at the University of California Los Angeles continues to stockpile student fee funds ostensibly intended to make improvements to the campus environment.

However, even when the money is spent, it goes to projects with questionable “sustainability” benefits, such as “cultural graduation ceremonies"...

“Student fees collected by TGIF (The Green Initiative Fund) have been used to help fund [student government’s] iClicker rental program, biodegradable diningware for volunteer dinners, a vegan cookbook promotional event, the creation of poetry booklets, and multiple student music festivals and fashion shows,” the paper reported.

“I am not saying music festivals and fashion events should not be funded, but those would not be the first things that come to mind for the Green Fund,” Professor Deepak Rajagopal, an academic at the university’s Institute of the Environment told the student newspaper.

Meanwhile, a Bruin analysis from 2022 concluded that UCLA was set to miss its carbon neutrality goal by 43 years, though a campus official denied the paper’s claim.

If these college students still can't figure out the grift and graft in their own little microcosm of the so-called green movement, they aren't smart enough to be in college.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reminded way back when, in the 70's, working on my undergraduate I was paying 25-35 percent of student fees to a Ralph Nader organization. This has been going on for years.
