Saturday, March 18, 2023

"Designated Experts" on "Climate Crisis" Proven Wrong Again

If I made such extreme "predictions", and were wrong 100% of the time, no one would listen to a word I say.  But people like Grumpy Greta can be wrong all day long, day in and day out, and the media would still grant them credibility.  This a a serious problem with the press.


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    You were wrong about the Iraq War.

  2. people like Grumpy Greta can be wrong all day

    People like Greta? Who do you mean? Thankfully, there aren't many people like Her Grumpiness. It took some thought, but I could only think of Brother Theodore.

    Watch this clip of Brother Theodore on David Letterman. In appearance and demeanor, he's like Greta. They could be related.

  3. Anonymous, I disagree.

    I'll grant that the occupation wasn't run near as well as it should've been, but getting rid of Saddam Hussein was the right thing to do.

    Yes, I believed he had nuke and bio weapons. Even the Duelfer Report said that he had them in the works, that sanctions were working, and that he would've restarted those programs had he stayed in power and had sanctions been eliminated. Instead, he lied and made the rest of the world (including every intelligence agency on the planet) believe he had them. See? This is why you shouldn't lie, because then your country gets invaded and you end up on the short end of a long rope.

    Are the Iraqis, and the Americans, better off without Saddam Hussein? I think the answer is unequivocally YES, so I continue to think that was a good war.

  4. Randomizer,

    When referring to people like Grumpy Greta I include all those who create and disseminate "apocalypse porn", including Paul Erlich.

  5. Anonymous6:27 AM

    You believe that Saddam had nuclear weapons? That is just... wrong.

    Saddam was a pretty bad dude, but by murdering him and his sons, we allowed Iraq to be taken over by Iranian backed Shia militias in power, including people who killed more Americans than Saddam ever did.

    I think if you ever left your little right wing bubble, you'd realize how wrong you are.

    If you think Iraq is better off, why don't you go there for vacation?

  6. I didn't say that he *had* nuclear weapons. You should read for understanding, not for what you *want* me to have said.

    Why don't I go there for vacation? It's not somewhere I want or need to go. There are many such countries. However, if you'll pay for it, I'd love to go see Uruk. Put up or shut up.

  7. Anonymous6:27 AM

    You just said: "Yes, I believed he had nuke and bio weapons."

    That's not an uncharitable interpretation, but a direct quote.

  8. Yes, I believeD, past tense. Prior to the invasion and occupation I believeD he had weapons of mass destruction, as did our intelligence service, the Russian intelligence service, the British intelligence service, and many politicians of both major US political parties based on what they had been briefed by the CIA for years.

    You said, "You believe that Saddam had nuclear weapons? That is just... wrong." Notice that the D in 'believeD' is missing? Your lack of intelligence is just...wrong.

  9. Anonymous9:10 PM

    So if you believed something in the past that you no longer believe today... you were wrong.

  10. Oh, is *that* your point? That I was wrong about something 20 years ago? Wow, you're desperate. I'm glad you can't find anything more recent. Damn, I must be smarter than I thought, NOW I see why you frequent this blog! Does *that* make me wrong, too, that I thought I was smart but now believe evidence that I'm even smarter?

    One of the many differences between me and Grumpy Greta though, besides the fact that I graduated high school, is that my predictions aren't wrong 100% of the time. Not even close.

    Oh, and even given what we know now, I *still* support the invasion of Iraq.

  11. Anonymous9:27 PM

    If you *still* support the invasion of Iraq, then you are the 21st century equivalent of those Japanese soldiers who continued to fight World War II well into the 1970s.

    The GOP gave up on Iraq (the country)... I want to after the 2006 mid-terms. From that point on, it was a lost cause. The surge was a joke that killed a lot of good people. It's a disgrace that we basically bribed terrorists to stop killing Americans. That bought Bush's people they time for him to leave office before things really got nasty. They passed it over to the next administration. Politically, they gave up on Iraq by 2015. Donald Trump famously pooped all over the Iraq War and the Bush family legacy in the early GOP debates.

    The only good thing that came out of that entire mess was Obamacare. Bush helped usher in so many liberals, they were able to pass a major reform without a single Republican vote. They didn't need one.

  12. You are entitled to your beliefs, "anonymous", but I certainly don't share them.

  13. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I'm entitled to my beliefs? Glad to hear it. Back in 2004, I endured all kinds of harassment for the same things I'm saying now. I was told I was a traitor and blah, blah, blah, blah...

    I didn't change.

    The world did.

  14. You endured all kinds of harassment? I doubt that. You may not be a traitor but you *are* a coward; you won't even give your *name* here, but I'm expected to believe that you were a culture warrior in 2004? I'm not buying it.
