Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Leftist Absurdity

What has happened to USC?

The University of Southern California's School of Social Work will no longer use the word "field" because it "may have connotations for descendants of slavery and immigrant workers that are not benign," according to a letter from the department.

USC's Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work will make the change in order to ensure the use of "inclusive language and practice," according to the letter.

"Specifically, we have decided to remove the term ‘field’ from our curriculum and practice and replace it with ‘practicum,'" the letter said. "This change supports anti-racist social work practice by replacing language that would be considered anti-Black or anti-immigrant in favor of inclusive language."

They've gotten so open-minded that their collective brains fell out. 

As long as they wear cotton, I don't want to hear this kind of stupidity. And even if they stop wearing cotton, I don't want to hear it.  I don't want to hear about whipped cream or "whipping up a crowd",  either.
No one is helped by this kind of silliness, but it emboldens idiots with ideas that aren't as silly and harmless. 


  1. This must be a frequent irritation for black folks. Most just want to get along in life like everyone else, but some white liberals at USC take an action that implies that blacks are fragile and so loaded with grievance, that they must be shielded from mundane conversations. Most probably ignore it and hope no one asks for their opinion.

    Imagine the hardship that Jackie Robinson experienced. Nine times per game, this proud black man was told to "take the field". How did Jackie manage to cover second base, knowing his ancestors might have picked cotton in a field?

    Jackie would laugh at us. He'd figure that real racism was gone if we have to go to such ridiculous lengths to be offended.

  2. Anonymous1:59 PM

    What about fields as mathematical constructs?

  3. Yet they continue to allow the word "Southern" in the name of their institution? Sorry, but that just glorifies the Confederates!

    Plus, isn't "University" somehow antithetical to "diversity?"
