Saturday, November 12, 2022

Venturing Out

I've been locked in my house since returning home from work Tuesday afternoon.  Tuesday and Wednesday were very bad, and I've spent the last couple days recovering from them.  

A lady at work is having a potluck today and I'm going.  It's a booze and food potluck; I'll have to stop somewhere for food, as I truly have nothing to take, but I have plenty of booze I can share!

I'm looking forward to seeing something besides "these 4 walls".


  1. PeggyU2:20 PM

    Rona, or flu, or rabies? Glad you survived it! Alcohol should kill off whatever is left. ;)

  2. Probably not rabies, I don't know enough about the difference between the other two to be able to tell. Does it matter? They're both contagious illnesses that make you feel like crap!

  3. I ended up picking up some sushi and taking it. Great idea, too, because it was all eaten! The homemade limoncello I took seemed to be a big hit, too.
