Friday, November 11, 2022

Here We Go Again

Is there anything that isn't systemic racism to people who think this way?

A CNN piece on Wednesday spoke with critics knocking the lottery system as a form of systemic racism that targets poor Black and Brown communities across America. 

No one is compelled to buy a ticket.


  1. Anna A2:56 AM

    It would be interesting to see a breakdown between household income (and possibly sources) and regular lottery playing.

    I chose not to play even though some of the folks at work were, when it was so high. I have better uses for the money, like cat food or true entertainment.

  2. "The lottery is a tax on people who don't know math." If you're concerned that too many "Black and Brown" people are playing the lottery against their own interests, then ensure they're taught (and that they learn) math in school. Quit trying to make excuses, water down curriculum, and eliminate discipline in schools thus making learning impossible.
