Saturday, August 13, 2022

Union Won't Back A Teacher Challenging Leftie Indoctrination

If you think unions protect your interests, think again:

A Connecticut gym teacher says his school threatened to fire him after he criticized its mandatory diversity training on "exploring privilege." But when he filed a grievance against the school, the local teachers' union dismissed the complaint without explanation.

John Grande filed the grievance against Hartford Public Schools for what he called targeted discipline—including threats of termination and further "Sensitivity Awareness" training—but the American Federation of Teachers Local 1018, which has jurisdiction over this arbitration process for teachers, rejected his plea, his attorney told the Washington Free Beacon. Grande, who has been a gym teacher for 30 years, said the union retaliated against him for refusing to join the labor group...

"Officials are refusing to represent him simply because he isn't a member," Nathan McGrath, president of the Fairness Center, told the Free Beacon. "John is just asking the union to do its job so he can continue doing his."

It's the unions who asked government to designate unions the sole representative of employees, members or not.   Now, when asked to live up to what they always asked for and got, they renege.

Then there's this:

"The Hartford School System, aided and abetted by the teachers' union, has failed our kids," Ricci told the Free Beacon. "Instead of focusing on their dismal test scores or bridging the achievement gap, they are focusing on ‘privilege,' which is nothing more than a distraction for their failed education policies."

When they can't deliver good education, they'll deliver "woke" education.

1 comment:

  1. I was a member of the AFT (Weingarten's Warriors).
    I always appreciated their flyers and endorsements on political things so I could know what NOT to vote for.
    Some people accused me of acting against my best interests, but the Teacher's Union never really cared about my interests, so screw them.
