Monday, August 15, 2022


A new state law that has gone into effect in California this year requires that high schools not start the school day prior to 8:30.  This is 25 minutes later than my school used to start.

My commute to work used to occur between 7:00 and 7:25 am, now it occurs between 7:30 and 8:00 am.  There is a marked difference in the amount of traffic on the roads at that later time!

If I leave school prior to 4:30, which is 1 hour after school gets out, there isn't much change in the going-home commute.  Leave school after 4:30, though, and there are a lot more cars on the road.

Just something I've noticed over the past few days.  I doubt this was an "unintended" consequence; more likely, it was an "unconsidered" consequence of the start time change.

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