Tuesday, August 02, 2022


Screw the Chicoms.  I'm glad Nancy Pelosi followed through on her visit to Taiwan.

My opinion:  our current policy regarding Taiwan is stupid.  

Yes, you could say that our ambiguous policy of treating Taiwan like an independent country while saying it's not keeps China guessing.  I don't want China guessing, I want them to know exactly where the red line is--and they'd better not cross it.

If you look at history, the Taipei government is the legitimate government of China, not Beijing.  As the communist insurgents approached the seat of the Chinese government, that government fled to Taiwan and set up government in Taipei.  Thus, Taiwan's government is the legitimate government of China, and the Beijing government is the usurper.  US foreign policy should treat both governments accordingly.

If the Speaker of the House wants to visit the independent nation of Taiwan, she should do so.

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