Monday, August 01, 2022

Making Race The Focus of All Education

My key point is that we are at an inflection point. “Critical Race Theory” is now a toxic term and the racialization of education has lost the public opinion battle overall. But the infrastructure that racialized and increasingly sexualized education remains — the school board members, the big money leftist donors and foundations, the teachers unions, the consultants, the book companies, the education bureaucracy, and other institutional support. We are at an inflection point where we need to shift to dismantling the woke educational infrastructure, because if it is permitted to remain, when the publicity fades these grifters will come roaring back.

Control of the state government in more than half the states is one of the few institutions where non-liberals still have power. Almost every other institution has been captured. So the states, including state legislatures, are uniquely positioned as both a last line of defense and a platform to recapture what has been lost and bring it back at least to the center.

Read the whole thing.


  1. Anonymous5:10 PM

    For what it's worth, your old blog layout was *way* better. This one is hard to read.

  2. Is it easier to read now that I've changed the colors?

  3. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Not to me personally, but I might just be very used to the old one.

  4. its harder for me to read, a bit too bright.

  5. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Agree with Anonymous...Old eyes need better contrast between background and text. This "yellow" is not making things easier to read.
