Tuesday, March 22, 2022


In past years, I've not been one to crawl across the finish line.  I don't barely make it to Thanksgiving break, to Christmas break, to Spring Break, or to the end of the year, I finish with plenty of energy.  I could keep going, if I truly had to.

No so, this year.  The only thing I have going for me is that I have a relatively small number of students relative to other teachers at my school, and thus it doesn't take me so long to grade projects, quizzes, or tests.  If I had my usual load of students--the equivalent of an additional full class--I'd be dragging.

I'm not quite sure what the issue is--maybe I'm just getting old, maybe the 80 degree temps in March are sapping me, maybe it's the dumb stuff coming from higher up, maybe it's some combination of all of them--but I notice the exhaustion creeping up on me.

We just had a 4-day weekend, and I feel fine, but I don't feel like going outside for a walk and getting sweaty!  I wonder about making it another 5 years, though.


  1. It's worth investigating the medical aspects of your fatigue.

    The first step would be a sleep study, which is a novel experience. Insist on the thorough test, where you spend the night at the lab. In my case, it was a room at the Marriott. The hospital had a block of rooms customized for intrusive surveillance. After the lab tech was done getting me sensored up, I looked like one of those astronaut monkeys from the 1960's. The whole process was fascinating, and you get some decent data.

    Your doctor may prescribe a CPAP for you. Many people get a CPAP machine and consider it a game-changer.

    Or it could be something else. Low testosterone, vitamin deficiency or some gland isn't cutting it. Whatever, it's better to know.

    Doctors are great at fixing problems when they find them, but are reluctant to run down a problem. It's easier to tell you to lose weight, eat better and get regular exercise. Push back and insist on some diagnostic tests.

  2. Could be any of the above!
