Monday, March 21, 2022

The Press Outright Lied. And So Did Intelligence Officials.

It was clearly a legitimate story, but the "democratic operatives with bylines" had to trash it to get Dementia Joe elected:

The New York Times last week confirmed the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s missing laptop, a story which was originally dismissed as Russian disinformation by many liberal media outlets leading up to the 2020 presidential election. 

Television hosts, guests and journalists quickly took to the airwaves in October 2020, reassuring viewers that the laptop was "unverifiable," likely tied to the Kremlin, and the product of a smear campaign orchestrated by former President Trump and his allies...

Politico also ran an October 2020 headlined, "Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say," which highlighted a letter signed by "more than 50 former senior intelligence officials" who asserted that the emails from the laptop had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation." 

The letter, which was parroted by much of the media, suggested, without evidence, that the emails were hacked and could have been tampered with by the Kremlin in order to make its contents look incriminating. Signatories of that letter included former high-ranking intelligence officials and outspoken Trump critics like former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta, and Jeremy Bash, many of whom work as analysts on MSNBC and CNN and supported Biden's candidacy.

Information on the laptop implicated Hunter Biden and his father in criminal dealings, including dealings with the Russians.  Notice how the Democrats always blame the Republicans for the very "Russian collusion" that they themselves engage in?  I notice it, too. 

Update, 3/22/22 

IT’S NOT JUST HUNTER’S LAPTOP AT ISSUE: Now that the New York Times got around to “verifying” it’s authenticity, according to Margot Cleveland in The Federalist, the controversy over the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop is mainly about the eight scandals indicated therein that directly involve the senior citizen occupying the Oval Office:

“Merely admitting the laptop is legitimate is not enough. Rather, by concurring in the authenticity of the laptop and the emails, the supposed standard-bearers of journalism have also implicitly acknowledged the validity of the scandals spawn by the porn-filled MacBook.

“And notwithstanding the salacious source of the documentary evidence of the scandals, the scandals are not about Hunter Biden: They are about now-President Biden,” Cleveland writes. Another Cleveland must-read.  link

1 comment:

  1. Soooooo, Lot of folks out there eating crow now. Well it's worse than that for those people. If the statements in the laptop about unethical and illegal behaviors prove to be accurate, and no doubt they will, Hunter could be looking at some jail time and so could "The Big Guy", whoever that is.
