Tuesday, March 08, 2022

The Left Mocked Him For Saying What Turned Out To Be 100% True Only A Year and a Half Later

Here's a still so you know what you're getting if you click on the link and watch the video:


  1. With just a little bit of reflection on political history over the past six years you will see many instances of Trump saying something the Left thought was absolutely absurd and a little later Trump was proved to be correct. Lots of them. It's amazing how many occurrences Trump correctly forecast.

  2. Where's the electricity going to come from, Pee Wee?

  3. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Not 100% true.

    First, the quote implies that Biden would be the reason for people paying $7/$8/$9 -- yes, gas prices are high but is this because of Biden? Gas prices are high globally (in the U.K., in Germany, etc.).

    Second, Pete (and Biden) never said "get rid of your car".

    Sorry, but this is a disingenuous take.

  4. Anonymous: the current administration has halted the Keystone XL pipeline and placed a moratorium on further drilling in the US--so yes, I give the current White House idiot a good share of the responsibility.

    Your "get rid of your car" claim is not one I made either--what's your point? Let them eat cake in electric vehicles.
