Monday, March 07, 2022

Star Trek

Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Picard are bad.  They're bad Star Trek, and they're just plain bad tv.  I gave Discovery a chance, watching 2 seasons of it, but having a starship powered by magic mushrooms was just too ridiculous.  I haven't watched a single season of Picard; what I've read about it is bad enough.

We Star Trek fans are big on "canon", what "history" and events took place within the Star Trek universe.  These two latest shows, as well as the new cartoon Star Trek, should not be considered canon, they should be considered trash--and I'm not the only one who thinks so.


  1. I really tried with Star Trek: Discovery. The first season was a mess. It seemed like the premise of the show kept changing. It wandered all over the place, and it was hard to care about any of the characters.

    Star Trek: Picard seemed like a make-work project for Star Trek alumni. Every episode seemed to have a cameo appearance.

    I'm fond of Star Trek: Lower Decks. It is a dopey cartoon, so not for everyone, but the episode plots are very Star Trekkie. They reference incidents and people from other Star Treks, but do it in a casual and natural way.

    Is there even a Star Trek canon anymore? With different timelines, it seems like you can't count on anything.

  2. Give the new Picard a chance. It seems positive to me - through one episode admittedly.

    Discovery has tried to get more positive, but the focus on internal politics brings it down.

  3. Anna A3:14 AM

    You hung on much longer than I did. I lost interest at the Next Generation, but loved Deep Space Nine.

    One of my precious belongings is a copy (not signed by anyone) of the script for "A City on the Edge of Forever"

  4. Thoughts on the upcoming Strange New Worlds? I am cautiously optimistic, so that is the only new Trek I am probably going to watch.

  5. I don't pay for Paramount's premium network so I probably won't see SNW.

  6. Kevin3:01 PM

    I wouldn't have paid either, T-Mobile gives you a year I'll take it.
