Friday, March 25, 2022

Changing Ideas of Cool

When I was in high school, this would have been so cool in a way I could not even describe.  Today it's merely an intellectual curiosity to me:

Groundbreaking data collected by NASA’s Perseverance rover is able to replicate how people would sound on Mars compared to Earth.

The space agency even boasts an online tool that allows Earthlings to simulate how they’d sound on the red planet from inside our homes.

That’s right: You can drop your own Mars bars in a round of interstellar karaoke.

To use it, simply go to the Sounds of Mars section on NASA’s website, navigate to the “You on Mars” tab, then “click and hold the button to record your greeting,” per the site.

Finally, download the audio file to hear how your voice sounds on Mars. After testing the function ourselves, The Post can safely say that those tin cans we spoke into as a kid to replicate “Martian speak” weren’t too far off.

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