Friday, March 25, 2022

A Good Problem To Have

I've mentioned before how, when I weighed myself early this year, the number was not only higher than I had ever weighed before, it was higher than I guessed it might be.  Muy mal.  I decided I had to lose some weight.

At the beginning of the school year, a few teachers and I started wearing kilts on Fridays.  I had my kilts sized for my body at the time.  Lately, though, I've noticed that I have to keep pulling my kilt up.  It keeps sliding down a bit, and it would be easy to pants me if someone so desired.

It seems like that would indicate that my waist size has decreased since the start of the school year, although, oddly, my pants don't seem any looser.  Strange.

Absent further information, I'm going with the "smaller waist size" theory.  A friend at work suggested her wife could "take in" the kilts for me--I may take some pizza over to their house soon and take her up on that offer!

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