Thursday, February 03, 2022

We Can't Have Masculinity Here, This Is A Military Academy!

What on God's green earth is happening at West Point?

West Point cadets attended mandatory events — framed by the military academy as educational curriculum — on “inclusion,” “diversity,” and “gender norms,” Breitbart News has learned. The programming included discussion groups led by upper-class cadets, labeled “facilitators,” making references to “toxic masculinity,” leading one cadet to comment, “I’m being taught how not to be a man.”

In my day, "warrior" was the most overused word at West Point.  It's probably too martial a term for today.  I'm sure being a warrior demonstrates "toxic masculinity".

Breitbart News received comments from several West Point cadets on condition of anonymity. Cadets are prohibited from speaking with the press without the school’s authorization under threat of disciplinary action.

“I’m being taught how not to be a man,” said one cadet.

“I’m going to quit West Point. It’s no longer teaching me to be a leader of men. It’s teaching me how to be a victim,” said another cadet.

“The real bias we need to talk about [is] why it’s scandalous to be conservative in a professional environment by (sic) ‘brave’ to follow the crowd and be liberal,” a third cadet wrote.

A fourth cadet said, “The guest speaker had us all make a black power sign a yell, ‘Fight the power!'”.

Breitbart News asked West Point for comment about its “stand down” departure standard curriculum. No immediate comment was provided by the time of this article’s publication. Asked about cadets being encouraged to render a “black power” salute, West Point said it was unaware of anyone being encouraged or asked to do so.

The superintendent, General Williams, has been a tremendous disappointment. 

P.S. Was there any discussion about so-called toxic femininity?  Here's a snip from that post:

Hopefully, neither physical nor emotional abuse is a defining factor of masculinity or femininity.  Perhaps, instead of focusing on the sex of the perpetrator, we should focus on the behavior and the individual who commits that behavior.

That is, if we truly want to live in a world of equals instead of victimhood.

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