Friday, February 04, 2022

Hell Has Indeed Frozen Over

I agree with Nancy Pelosi:

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday the United States has a moral duty to condemn China's rights abuses but she urged U.S. athletes not to risk angering the "ruthless" Chinese government, a day before the opening of the Beijing Olympics...

Lawmakers on Monday urged U.S. Olympic officials to prepare to defend American athletes from possible Chinese government retaliation should they choose to speak out about China's rights abuses during the Beijing Winter Olympics...

But she (Pelosi) said athletes should focus on competing in Beijing and resist the temptation to speak out. "Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government because they are ruthless."

Pelosi has taken a lot of flak from all sides for her comments--but not from me.

When you're in another country, that country's laws apply, not American laws.  The First Amendment stops at the US border, and being an American citizen does not give you an invincibility shield to violate other country's laws.  Additionally, Olympic athletes are guests of the host country, and should conduct themselves accordingly.  All athletes had an opportunity to protest China's awfulness by boycotting the Olympics.  You show up, you play by the rules--even if those rules require you to keep your mouth shut.  Bad-mouth the Chicoms before you go or when you get back, but don't expect to go to their country and bad-mouth them with impunity.  You take a big chance for little payoff while also making an ass of yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Anna A2:55 AM

    I am in complete agreement with your posting. Keep silent on their territory, shout from the rooftops here. (and you will be braver than a lot of pro athletes. )
