Tuesday, January 11, 2022

We'll See How It Turns Out!

What is it with pillows?  Why can I never find a pillow that I think is comfortable, even when a hotel puts 7 different types of pillows on my bed?  I don't know which one to choose!

I've been seeing My Pillow commercials for years, and for both political and practical reasons, I decided now was the time to order.  Even with a discount, the two pillows I ordered probably cost me more than all the other pillows I've ever ordered in my entire life combined (seriously!), but I can afford a one-time expense under $100.  And My Pillow even asked a couple questions (e.g., do I sleep on my back or side or stomach?), and based on my answers they recommended a specific type of pillow for me.

They were supposed to arrive last Tuesday, but last Tuesday Fedex switched my arrival date from January 4th to "we'll just have to let you know".  It was a few days after that when they finally set today as my date of receipt, and I rushed home after work today to find the small package on my porch.

The pillows were rolled and vacuum-sealed, and the instructions said to put them in the drier for 15 minutes before use.  I'm glad I followed those instructions, as they puffed up much larger than I anticipated!  

I'm looking forward to a wonderful night of sleep.  I'll give the pillows a few nights and then update you on what I think of them.

Update, 1/15/22:  So far I like them a lot!


  1. FedEx, in particular, seems to be having difficulties. Several of our shipments with them in the last few months disappeared for a while. They made it in the end, but I won't use them these days.

    Ann in L.A.

  2. The towels and sheets from My Pillow are fantastic for the price point. Plus it is a "Made in America" company, you can't go wrong.
