Saturday, January 01, 2022

Teaching Racism In Schools

Knowing that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is unpopular with too many Americans, the Left now claims that CRT isn't taught in schools.  Perhaps the arcane legal theory isn't, but CRT now serves as a useful shorthand for the hate-white-people-style of racism currently in vogue on the Left, and it absolutely is being taught in public schools.

Given such facts, the Left moves the goalposts--those of us on the right just don't want to teach "the truth" about racism, they claim.  What truth would that be?  That Democrats have been the party of racism since the party's founding?  That the Republican Party was founded in part as an anti-slavery party?  That the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats?  That Jim Crow was created and implemented by Democrats?  That the 2 presidents who did the most to stop the oppression of American Blacks were Republicans Abraham Lincoln (Civil War) and Dwight Eisenhower (Little Rock)?  That a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

That's ancient history, let's look at today. How many unarmed black men have police killed in recent years?  Each year for the past several years the answer has been less than 2 dozen, it's been less than half a dozen this year.  The police kill many more unarmed white men each year, without fanfare.  One wonders why we never hear about the killing of unarmed Hispanics--or Asians.

One wonders if so-called ethnic studies classes, or even regular history classes, will teach these facts.  Actually, one doesn't wonder at all.

Let me be blunt.  I do not support the Black Lives Matter movement or organization.  They are admitted Marxists, and as I've said many times, I spent the first several years of my adulthood training to kill communists and I don't see any reason to mollify my beliefs about them now.  I do not support affirmative action, which was introduced by President Kennedy and thus has been in place since before I was born.  I don't support racial set-asides, sex/gender set-asides, or set-asides for other favored groups, either, and that includes veterans.  I don't support teaching that such things are anything other than bad for society.

And while I don't think police in general are out of control in this country, I absolutely support limiting their authority and power.  I even wrote about it several years ago.  And when police make honest mistakes in the line of duty, their departments should rightfully be sued; when police make dishonest mistakes, they should be (and are) subject to trial.  Teaching lies about, or hatred of, police should be considered as disgusting as teaching racial hatred.

Whenever anyone, especially a politician, fans the flames of racial hatred, they should rightly and loudly be denounced.  To teach racial hatred in our public schools?  It should be unthinkable.  That's the direction we're headed, though.  I have 5 1/2 years remaining until I retire, will I make it?  Will I be forced out?  Will I quit early so as not to be part of a system so despicable, considering what else is coming down the pike?

These are the thoughts I have on this New Year's Day 2022.


  1. I gave up trying to get a full-time job in education, once I realized that I just wasn't left-wing enough to be invited to join the club.
    I'm quite angry with myself that it took me years too long to realize this.

  2. I have realized, at my old age, that the wheels of this progressivism were already in motion when I was in middle school - in the heart of Idaho, no less! Is education reformable at this point?

  3. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I am so glad I retired. I would not survive in the atmosphere in today's schools. I had to "stifle" my conservatism to keep from being targeted by other teachers, especially the ones suffering from TDS.

  4. At some point people are going to have to stop being nice and start standing up for what they believe.
