Saturday, January 01, 2022

Make Them Live Up To Their Own Rules

One of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals is to make the other side live up to their own rules.  Well, consistency is not a strong suit of the left:

YET ANOTHER BIPARTISAN ENDORSEMENT OF RON DESANTIS! AOC pictured dining maskless in Miami Beach as Omicron cases soar.

The Team DeSantis Twitter account was quick to troll Ocasio-Cortez over her visit to the Sunshine State.

​​”​Welcome to Florida, AOC! We hope you’re enjoying a taste of freedom here in the Sunshine State thanks to @RonDeSantisFL’s leadership​,” read a post from late Thursday night.

“​P.S. We recommend the Rock Shrimp Roll and the Aoki Tai the next time you decide to dine in Miami. Cheers!​,” read a follow-up tweet.

In February, Ocasio-Cortez called on Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to step down after he took his family on a trip to Cancun while Texas was in the throes of a deadly winter storm that knocked out power to millions.

Curiously, the many MSM-DNC sources who were quick to dunk on Cruz’s escape to Cancun during Texas’ “Snovid-2021” week remain silent on AOC’s departure from her home state.

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