Thursday, January 27, 2022

Must Be All Those Republicans/White Supremacists In San Francisco

The article states that there were 8 "anti-AAPI" hate crimes reported in SF in 2019, 9 in 2020, and 60 in 2021.  The SF police chief said that one man was believed to be responsible for fully half of the 2021 numbers.

Oddly enough, the article didn't answer the most obvious question.  For lefties, race/ethnicity is everything, so...what racial group is most at fault for these crimes?  My guess, after a few decades of paying attention to the leftie media:  if they didn't tell you it was white people, then it wasn't white people.


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Information about the individuals involved in acts of anti-Asian racism and stigmatization were limited, due to reporting practices and other factors. However, in the incidents for which demographic details were available, the offenders were most often male and white.

    Only a small fraction of news articles explicitly identified the race of the individuals who harassed or discriminated against Asian and Asian American people. However, in the few harassment incidents for which the news media explicitly stated the race of the offender, the majority of perpetrators of anti-Asian harassment were reported to be male and white.

    American politicians working at all levels of government made stigmatizing statements and supported discriminatory policies and proposals. The politicians who used and supported stigmatizing rhetoric, policies, and proposals were predominantly white, male, and affiliated with the Republican Party.

    Melissa Borja, Ph.D. and Jacob Gibson
    Virulent Hate Project
    University of Michigan

  2. I notice that your comment relates to 2020, *not* the 2021 San Francisco situation in my post.

    However, it *still* proves my point. "However, in the few harassment incidents for which the news media explicitly stated the race of the offender..." makes clear that only a FEW reports stated the race of the offender--why might that be? I assert it was to further a narrative not supported by actual facts.

  3. When an academic says "for which data was available" means they cherrypicked sources and refuse to cite them. You'll notice the professor gave no specific resource. This means, as with so many on the Left, they are cooking the numbers to support the narrative. We've seen this before with masking, vaccinations or any other narrative they want supported. I did a little research and found that the worst attacks were in places with deep blue political backgrounds such as New York City, rather than Houston or Dallas which have large and growing Asian populations. What is more, when saying "Asian" there's little specificity between persons from the Middle East and people from China, Korea or Japan.

  4. I think the common thread in random assaults (not robbery) is mental illness. There are more crazy people wandering around San Francisco than in the past.

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    No doubt a massive, inexplicable demographic sea change occurred between December 31, 2020 and January 2021.

    Your argument is to suggest that even though when documented, perpetrators were white and male, there were many cases in which demographics weren't reported. It MUST be that in ALL cases without reported demographics, the perpetrators were neither white not male. Logic does not dictate as much.

    You're in the middle of an orchard. Every tree you've encountered is heavy with apples. You assume every tree you haven't visited in that orchard is bursting with cherries. Seems safer to presume more apples.

  6. OR you're in a forest. There are many pines, and you don't point them out because you like the pines. Those oaks, though...

    See, I can make non-sensical arboreal analogies, too. Back under your bridge!
