Thursday, January 27, 2022

Educators Should Rejoice When Students Are Able To Accelerate Their Learning

Leftie educators like to talk about “educating all students”—until someone gets ahead. Then we have to hold those students back, in the name of so-called equity.  Good on Governor Youngkin for doing what's best for kids:

The Virginia Mathematics Pathways Initiative (VMPI), an equity-focused educational program that would have eliminated all accelerated math courses before 11th grade, is no longer.

The initiative was removed from the Virginia Department of Education's website after newly inaugurated Gov. Glenn Youngkin on Jan. 15 issued Executive Order 1 to, among other things, "restore excellence in education by ending the use of divisive concepts, including Critical Race Theory, in public education."

"This is just another instance of Governor Youngkin delivering on his promises to Virginia’s students and parents," Macaulay Porter, a spokesperson for the governor, told Fox News Digital in a statement. "The governor pledged to remove the initiative, which would move away from advanced math courses, to restore academic excellence in Virginia and ensure our curriculum is preparing students to excel"...

"…The Youngkin administration with Superintendent Jillian Balow and Assistant Superintendent Elizabeth Schultz have eliminated the Virginia Math Pathways Initiative, which was going to deny students advanced math in middle school," she (Asra Nomani of Parents Defending Education) said. "This war on merit must end. Our schools must be places for all children to be challenged academically and grow. We expect this is just the first step in rolling back the damage that has been done by the insidious ideology of critical race theory and its destruction of education in the name of ‘equity.’"

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