Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Jury Duty

Yesterday when I checked my mailbox, I was dismayed to find an envelope from the Sacramento County Courts.  Yes, I'm being summoned to jury duty again.  It's been a few years, but it's hard to believe they've gone through everyone in Sacramento County since the last time I was called.  Whatever.

I don't miss school for jury duty.  Teachers and students are allowed to postpone service until the next available school break, and that's what I always do.  Thus, as a conscientious teacher I always end up with jury duty over Spring Break, over summer, or over Christmas vacation.  I tore open the envelope to see my date, to see if it's early enough that I could push it out to Christmas instead of Spring Break.

Was it luck, or do they know me by now?  My reporting date is December 20th, the first Monday of Christmas break.

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