Thursday, November 04, 2021

Everything They Say Is A Lie

Not only do they know it's a lie, but even when it's demonstrably a lie they double down and lie more:

Georgia’s new voting law — the Election Integrity Act of 2021 — took effect on July 1. The main point of the bill, according to Gov. Brian Kemp, was to make it “easy to vote but hard to cheat” in the Peach State.

If the real intent of this law was to usher in “Jim Crow 2.0,” as many Democrats claimed, it turned out to be Bizarro Jim Crow...

The first elections under the Election Integrity Act took place on November 2, coincidentally the same day the Atlanta Braves won the World Series, and one of the highest-profile contests was the Atlanta mayoral race. This year, embattled Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms chose not to run, so the field was wide open, with most candidates focusing on the city’s crime problem.

The last mayoral race took place in November 2017, and 96,777 Atlantans cast their ballots. Bottoms won in an eventual runoff...

Guess what? Supposedly suppressed voters turned out in droves. The final turnout was 168,212. That’s right: 70,000 more people turned out to vote in Tuesday’s election.

Not that I give a crap about baseball, but remember, this is the law that caused MLB to move the All-Star Game out of Atlanta. 

Lyin' liars gonna lie.

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