Monday, September 06, 2021

From the web site:

A free resource for parents and students concerned about the negative impact Critical Race Training has on education. Search our database of close to 400 colleges and universities to learn more about Critical Race Training on campuses nationwide. We've expanded our database immensely (and far beyond higher education) since it was made public and are adding and updating the site daily. Check back often for the latest information.

It's not just for higher ed anymore:

The main focus of is Critical Race Theory and its applications in higher education, as this is where the ideology was first developed and where many individuals are trained. Our database does not yet cover primary or secondary schools.

We recognize that Critical Race Training in primary and secondary education is a growing issue and one that’s significantly more difficult to track.

We’ve included some resources concerning Critical Race Training in primary school....

1 comment:

  1. I am listening to my sixth grade grandson carefully when he talks about schools. His parents moved to get him to a more conservative district, but I know the teachers and administrators wanting this are still active in his new district. I notice he's not as happy about school as he was. But that could also just be his age.
