Monday, September 06, 2021

Are Bodies Stacking Up Like Cord Wood at Cornell?

Can't blame it on the anti-vaxxers.  Must be people not wearing masks, right?

Cornell University has aggressively pushed its students to get vaccinated, announcing a vaccine mandate for the 2021-22 academic year in April and frequently denying religious and medical exemptions.

As a result, 95 percent of the campus population, both students and faculty, is vaccinated.

Despite this, Cornell University has more than five times the amount of confirmed positive cases during its first week of this academic year than it did during its first week of the 2020-21 academic year, according to the Cornell COVID dashboard.

It's not a pandemic anymore.  It's endemic.  Best learn to live with it. 

And that's exactly what's happening at Cornell.  They're living.  It's time to end the government overreach and mandates and oppression.  At this point I wonder if we don't have rights anymore, but permissions from politicians.

Update, 9/9/21Stanford, too:

While the private California university said the “risk of COVID-19 transmission is very low in masked settings among vaccinated individuals” it has not stopped it from a prohibition on any parties larger than a few people. The school said 95 percent of its students have submitted proof of vaccination.

“Indoor student parties will be prohibited until October 8, the end of the third week of the fall quarter for most students,” Associate Vice Provost Russell Furr said in an email to students. This new prohibition will “help limit the potential for virus transmission in this period when we are returning on-site.”

Update #2, 9/17/21: Brown, too:

Brown University has suspended in-person dining and student organization gatherings due to a slight uptick in positive asymptomatic COVID test results.

As of Sept. 14, there were 91 positive cases of COVID reported over the last seven days, a positivity rate of .7 percent, according to the university’s online data.

The campus also enjoys a vaccine rate of 97.9 percent among students and 95.5 among faculty and staff, the data show.



  1. Anna A3:01 AM

    I wonder if the science is showing that some of the vaccinologists are right. The current ones are making matters worse. That is the main reason, before the current crisis, that there were NO approved corona virus vaccines.

  2. I have a theory. IF vaccinated people are shedding virus t-cells, then wearing masks means they are constantly inhaling their own viruses thus causing massive viral build ups in those organs move vulnerable-the lungs. It's not a big trick to see that it seems to be regions that are masking at all times even outdoors seem to be seeing more infections, especially in CHILDREN who are seeing the NEA and AFT collude with the White House and CDC to force masking when there is little to no scientific data that masking kids benefits them in any way.
