Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Undermining Parents

This is what we've come to now.

Certain teachers received an email today telling them students' preferred pronouns.  In some cases the individual student's parents are against this, but school staff are required to refer to the student in the manner the student prefers.  In fact, at my school we may or may not have at least one student who has an identity at school that is completely unknown to the parents; teachers are required to use one name and set of pronouns with the student and a completely different name and set of pronouns if the parents are present, the purpose being to keep the parents in the dark.

In California we expect parents to take responsibility for their children unless the parents make the wrong decision, then the state subverts the parents' rights and puts children in charge.  I find this both reprehensible and despicable.

Update, 8/21/21California isn't the only jurisdiction doing this: 

Journalist and author Abigail Shrier shared on social media Thursday a 2018 memo sent to her by a Chicago Public Schools (CPS) teacher that explicitly states parents are not to be informed if their children have changed their gender identities.

1 comment:

  1. I eagerly await the first teacher conference where different pronouns are used by each of the attendees.

    Much hilarity will ensue when the parents find out what their student is doing.
