Saturday, August 14, 2021

Honeymoon, The First Two Days

I've completed the first 2 days with students.  It's so nice for my school to be a school again.

My biggest complaints?  Having to wear a 'rona-burqa indoors, especially in a classroom with substandard ventilation and a/c.  I was sweating during 1st period yesterday!  One of my vice principals popped in during 6th period on Thursday and commented that it's pretty "steamy" in here.  Yes, I sent my 19th annual email to administration and to the head custodian explaining the ventilation system in my classroom.  In the end I anticipate the same response I've received to the previous 18 such emails.

We had our first 7th Period (happy hour) yesterday.  A former student was our waitress (you may say that term is sexist, but I don't like "server" unless we're talking about computers).  A few newbies showed up, so that's a good start.  I had a (huge) BBQ Bacon Burger, so perhaps it's no surprise that I don't even remember lying down after getting home--the food coma was severe.  I woke up at 3 am, crawled under the covers, and went back to sleep until about 6--which is an ungodly hour on a Saturday, but at least I'm writing this post!

It's been a year and a half since students have been in "real" school, and as is usual for the first few days, it's the honeymoon period.  Eventually I'll have to put my classroom management skills to use, but I'll enjoy the smoothness while I can.

The vast majority of my students are worried about the possibility that we're going to shut the school down again.  I join them in this concern.

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