Wednesday, June 02, 2021

A Cheerful Greeting

I met one of my students today.

She's a senior and she was going through Senior Checkout today.  She saw me and asked me to sign off on her checkout form as having passed the class.

I signed her off, and we both went our separate ways.  She was one of the students who stayed online all year long, even after we'd returned to part-time in-person classes.  I have no idea who that girl was.  And it's kind of a shame.


  1. Anna A3:29 AM

    I agree that it is a shame, but I can appreciate where she is coming from.

    It's that virtual friendships don't disappoint as much. You cannot have the same expectations of people that you do in tangible friendships. And you can find like minded folks all over the world virtually, whereas in real life you are separated by hundreds or thousands of miles.

    Do I wish that you had known her? Yes, a thousand times yes, but understand, better than I would like, the ease of virtual friendships.

  2. How did you know it was her and not someone else just trying to get a signature to get out of school?

  3. Actually, I don't. But I signed the form for the girl whose name was (in ink) on the paper, so all good!
