Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Freedom Fest Events

I'm a planner.

When I travel, I like to know what there is to do when I get to a destination--I don't just show up and "go with the flow".  I don't plan things down to the minute, but I do make schedules that show what things I might do on which days. 

With that in mind, I downloaded the 21 page schedule of events for July's Freedom Fest.  I went through the hundreds of lectures, debates, films, etc., and decided which ones I'd like to see.  Some of the ones I'm planning on include:

  • My most successful technique to change the minds of students about socialism, Keynesianism, and the $15 minimum wage
  • Ayn Rand and the pursuit of happiness
  • The lasting influence of Thomas Sowell
  • Ten years later:  where is school choice today?
  • Black guns matter:  how the 2nd Amendment brings parity and justice in America
  • Soho Forum Debate:  The purpose of business is to maximize long-term profits
  • Socialism sucks:  two economists drink their way through the unfree world
  • Healing a divided nation:  are reparations the only way forward?
  • Clash of civilizations: Islam and the West
  • Mastering the language of liberty:  refining your message
  • Censorship in the age of the big tech oligarchy--what can we do?

Those are just some of the talks I'll attend.  Some of the speakers I'll hear are Kristi Noem, Corey DeAngelis, John Mackey (whom I've written about before on this blog), Larry Elder, Scott Walker, Ayaan Hirsi-Ali, Grover Nordquist, Robby Soave, James O'Keefe, John McWhorter, and Mark Perry.

I'm looking forward to a good time there!


  1. Peggy U11:15 AM

    Where is this being held?

  2. Rapid City, SD

  3. I lived in Rapid City! Ok, it was when I was 4 years old and my dad was stationed at the base there.
