Sunday, March 14, 2021

Vul-Con Is Cancelled For The Second Year In A Row

Five years ago I went to the "Star Trek Capital of Canada", the town of Vulcan, Alberta, for their Star Trek Convention known as Vul-Con.  What fun it was, especially given that it was Star Trek's 50th anniversary!  I had hoped to go again last summer, but Vul-Con was cancelled due to the 'rona.  I had hopes of going this summer, but alas, that is not to be:

Council also decided Dec. 14 to cancel the 2021 Vul-Con convention.

Administration suggested that because, with the off-season closure of the tourism centre, the Town won’t have anybody to organize the summer event, said Fath.

Council has also discussed the “significant impact” of Vul-Con on the Town’s budget, Fath noted.

“It was about a $35,000 investment,” he said.

Coun. Lorna Armstrong said hosting Vul-Con is something council could look at in the future...

After deciding to open the Trek Station seasonally and cancel the 2021 Vul-Con event, council then decided to dissolve and wind up the Vulcan Tourism Committee. Council also directed administration to send letters of appreciation to committee members.

This is truly a disappointment, and I'm sure it's a serious blow to the businesses in this tiny prairie town.

I look forward to planning my trip to Vul-Con 2022.


  1. Too many things are being canceled out of mindless fear. This reminds me of a story I read when I was a kid. There was a family who woke to find an axe driven into the beam over their door. Due to their fear they went through a litany of scenarios where the axe would fall and hurt the husband, the husband would lose his job, his family would lose their home, they would starve and die. Every new imagined fear came with more wailing and elaboration. Then a woodsman came by, saw the family cowering in the corner and asked what the problem was. They pointed to the axe imbedded in the beam. The woodsman took it down. End of story.

    Having been binging on episodes of "Monk" it is easy to see how the anxiety ramped up to eleven by the MSM and the government honchos has created a situation where some of us are turning into Monk-trying to prevent disease by some sort of magical mystical "mindful" behavior which included masks, isolation and refusal to engage. That's not just anti-social, it's anti-human. Locally they've already canceled Mayfest-a big outdoor art festival. Too many festivals to count are going down for the count. I'm hoping Spyro Gyra is still coming to Arlington-it's our first live show out in over a year and I miss that.

  2. Spyro Gyra. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a very long time....

  3. My husband and I saw/listened to Spyro Gyra at Jazz Alley in Seattle eons ago. Feels like a lifetime ago. Was wonderful!
