Sunday, March 14, 2021

6' of Distance Is Unnecessary In Schools

So are masks, really, but whatever:

Dr. Anthony Fauci backed a new study that recommends reducing coronavirus-related physical distancing guidelines for in-person learning from six-feet to three in the classroom. 

The Biden medical adviser was asked about a new Massachusetts study that found "no significant difference in coronavirus spreading" between 6 feet of physical distancing versus a reduced 3 feet in a Sunday appearance on CNN's "State of the Union."

"Does this study suggest to you that three feet is good enough?" CNN host Jake Tapper asked.

"It does indeed," Fauci said, explaining that the "CDC is very well aware that data are accumulating making it look more like 3 feet are okay under certain circumstances."

The 6 feet standard has become one of the largest hurdles schools face as they look toward reopening in accordance with The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) health and safety guidelines.

Fox News confirmed last week that the CDC would "soon" ease its physical distancing guidelines for in-person learning after reportedly misinterpreting data on safe distancing in the classroom.

Some teachers at my school will have to move to different locations (theater, performing arts center, library, etc) because their classrooms aren't big enough to allow for 6' of distancing for the students who've said they're going to return to in-person school--which we've heard will happen as early as next week.  Switch to a 3' rule and things will go much more smoothly, and our administrators can spend their time doing things more important than carrying tape measures around.


  1. So the Science! is different in schools then elsewhere?

  2. The science! is whatever you need it to be. Kinda like the Queen of Hearts' meaning of words.
