Monday, November 16, 2020

Will We or Won't We?

 Our district is making plans to come back to school in January using a hybrid model (it's a hybrid of the worst of online schooling and the worst of in-person schooling).

But Sacramento County has slipped back into "purple", which according to the color code means we're one step from a zombie apocalypse of 'rona cases.

Somehow our district will be able to make its decision by December 15th.

So, will we half-heartedly come back in January, or won't we?  Your guess is as good as mine!


PS:  California's governor, Gruesome Newsom, has moved to nearby El Dorado County, where his children can attend in-person school.  Yes, same hypocrite:

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on Friday that Newsom attended an outdoor birthday celebration for political adviser Jason Kinney with at least a dozen attendees at the French Laundry, an upscale restaurant in Napa Valley.

The report came the same day Newsom -- as well as Oregon Gov. Kate Brown and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee -- announced a travel advisory for visitors leaving and entering their respective states ahead of Thanksgiving as the state experiences a spike in COVID-19 cases.

The (Sacramento) Bee stung the Democratic governor with a scathing editorial slamming the tone-deaf soiree.

Rules are for the little people.

Update, 11/23/20:  The CDC won't back off on masks, but they're pretty strident that schools should open.  Why do they use data for one point of view but not the other?

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