Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Mask Stasi

It's true, and only lefties can support this

There are vague promises that things might begin to open again next year, but don’t hold your breath. “Two weeks to slow the spread” and “fifteen days to flatten the curve” have long since morphed into a semi-permanent nanny state in which the very act of slowing and flattening ensures that the virus will go on indefinitely by guaranteeing a continuous stream of new “cases” with which to frighten the public and increase government power. 

In defiance of all previous medical experience, the Covid “pandemic” has muzzled the population with bank-robber masks, driven families asunder, forced elderly couples to die apart, punished schoolchildren with the false promise of “remote learning,” made Americans eye each other with suspicion and sidle away, and created a near-Stasi level of rats and snitches only too happy to inform on their fellow citizens.

Prior to this I never would have believed Americans would surrender their freedoms so easily.  Remember the Ronald Reagan quote?

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”


  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I work in a grocery store. Will you wear the mask when you come in, at least?

  2. More people are wearing masks now than last spring, when we were actually told *not* to wear masks--and yet we're having another spike. Do you really/honestly/truly think mask mandates are doing *any* good? Don't the numbers tell you anything?

  3. Anna A4:33 PM

    Let's be aware that testing gives a lot of false positives. Elon Musk was tested 4 times in 1 day, same machine, same nurse. His results were 2 positive and 2 negative. In the same article a singer tested positive in one nostril and negative in the other.

    This kind of inconsistency is driving the lockdowns, and may be a factor in the spike in the numbers.

    As a QC person, I would not consider the tests valid at all.

  4. Anonymous9:25 PM

    All that blabber and you never answered my question. A few weeks ago some guy in one of our sister stores pulled a gun on the employees after they asked him to just wear a piece of fabric on his face, and it was because he was swept up by the same demagoguery you've been swept up by.

    Contempt for some rules breeds contempt for all rules.

  5. I'm not responsible for some guy pulling out a firearm.

    Bad laws breed contempt for all laws. Stupid decisions from government breeds contempt for government.

    I'm a teacher. I go to work every day, and I work with others who aren't afraid of the hyped demagoguery you've been swept up by (see how easy it is to do that?). I'm looking forward to the day when I have real students in front of me, not a Brady Bunch of rectangles on a screen.

  6. Peggy U11:22 AM

    Wore a mask per orders. Washed my hands diligently. Did my best because I do not do well with respiratory diseases. Caught a damned cold anyhow! It's just a matter of time before you catch something, mask or not. But if wearing a security blanket on your face makes you happy, then by all means do so.
