Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Who Is The Bigger Glutton For Punishment?

Me, for taking a calculus class wherein our latest test is 14 pages long, or my instructor, who has to grade all those tests?

I saw the test in Canvas yesterday.  I've put in a couple hours each of the last 2 nights, and I'm done through page 7.  Yes, I probably spend an inordinate amount of time checking my work, but still, the length seems a bit excessive to me.


  1. When our college kid's school went online for spring quarter last year, that was one of the big problems. Professors decided it meant they could pile on more work. The parents' fb group had lots of people complaining about the crazy work load.

    Fortunately, they do seem to have been responsive to complaints, and pulled back again.

  2. My comprehensive final exam (the face to face version) for calculus 1 is only 13 pages, and that includes huge blank sections for students to write their answers. What the heck is going on with your instructor??

  3. I have thoughts on the subject!

    Also, the test is due Saturday night at midnight. The next quiz is due Sunday night at midnight.

    Very not cool!
