Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Worst Of Both Worlds

 Last night my district school board voted to tentatively open schools in a hybrid format starting next semester.  I haven't talked to anyone who thinks hybrid is the way to go.  As I've said for years, either go all ass or no ass at all, but don't go half-ass.  Half-ass is what my district has chosen.  Behold, this is my shocked face.

To quote from the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar:  I see bad things arising.


  1. Reminds me of the half-measures speech from Breaking Bad.

  2. Gotta love Mike.

  3. Are you not in person?

    Our 55,000 district has been in person since August, and we're just finishing Fall Break. The hybrid model works, and it's far better than all remote. Our K5 students are in person full time, five days a week. Grades 6-12 are remote three days and in-person two. It's not optimal, but clearly an effective way to safely manage the pandemic and education.

    We also have nearly 11,000 in K-12 who chose to go fully remote at our online school (which was 200 full time 9-12 students last year). I shifted to the online school to help with admin this year. It's a struggle and work in progress.

    But overall it's working as well as possible in this very unique time. My daughter is in hybrid at high school, and while it's not preferred, it's the best we have this year. So, I'd accept the deal as a good choice and compromise. But no reason to wait for January. They could start now.

  4. If we're reading our district's communiques correctly, we'll be expected to teach to in-person student and online students at the same time. I'm not really sure that's going to work. At all.
