Thursday, September 24, 2020

No. Just No.

I teach in a suburban Sacramento district.  Until recently I never would have dreamed that the dangerous leftie stupidity that is so prevalent here in the Democratic People's Republic of Kalifornia would infiltrate my district, but it has.  Today I got the following email, a screenshot of most of which is here:

Critical race theory is Marxism.  I spent the first several years of my adult life training to kill communists if necessary, and I see no reason to alter such beliefs.  I'm not interested in your BS marxism.

My favorite one, though, is the one that is blatantly political and partisan:  Exploring the Critique of Liberalism Through Critical Race Theory.  Apparently conservatism as a political philosophy is wrong, because reasons, but before stating that explicitly we'll explain why conservatism's critique of liberalism is all wrong.

THIS is what your kid's teachers are being told is right.

If you want to talk about microaggressions, just receiving this email was at least a microaggression.  Who signed me up for this trash, my district?  You can bet I'll find out.

And if I attend this training, I'll have some fun.


  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Who the hell is Epoch Education? Where did they come from and who died and made them king?


    I believe my district has hired them.

  3. Perhaps this good news will apply to your situation:

  4. Pseudotsuga: I just did a post about that link about 5 min ago! I guess great minds think alike :-)

    Sadly, the president's order applies only to federal agencies.

  5. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Put me in mind of a passage from Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash". In future Los Angeles, a woman working for the FBI has to read all the b.s. memos that get sent to her. She can't scan them quickly, because it will be noted that she didn't take them seriously. She can't read them too slowly, or they'll think she's just faking it. She has to read it at normal pace, and occasionally scroll back up, to show that she's really paying attention!

    You better be able to show that you've clicked on all those links!

    -- Ann in L.A.

  6. To my shock, I see one “useful” course. At least it doesn’t sound nuts. “Supporting Academic Achievement.”
