Wednesday, September 23, 2020

It's the Little Things

I've written before about how I play a YouTube music video before "the bell" in each Zoom class as I'm checking off attendance and letting students into "class".  Each day I play something different.  

Today, before starting the video, I let a few kids into the class.  Instantly I received a chat message from one of the students:  What, no music today?  And a few moments later:  Oh, there it is!

I always smile at the little things that are important to my students, the things they notice, the things they remember long after they're gone.  Being a teacher is fun sometimes.

(Today's video was this one.  Who doesn't like Andrea Bocelli??)

1 comment:

  1. How about a bunch of old farts and Wayne Bergeron ...

    Here's my community band playing music from The Incredibles, featuring a world famous trumpet player as guest soloist.
