Friday, September 04, 2020

I Got Livid Today

In this post from a few weeks ago I talked about the 3-hour "hate whitey" training we had in our so-called professional development just before school started.  What I didn't tell you then is that the training started with a video of our superintendent--and I don't believe I'm exaggerating or being hyperbolic here--essentially calling all of us racists.

Today, the Friday before a 3-day weekend, he sent out another video--thanking all of us for the hard work we're doing.  What, did we all stop being racists?  If yes, then great, we don't need more of the "hate whitey" stuff that's supposed to be coming our way.  If no, why thank a bunch of racists for being racist?  

And how can anyone continue to pay the local union after the president of said union said pretty much the same thing the superintendent said?

Screw these people.


  1. That's pretty much the scenario all teachers are facing.

  2. True.

    I didn't let the hypocrite ruin my day--my anger spiked and then subsided rather quickly--but as President Obama once said, "Don't think we're not keeping score, brother."

  3. I've been reading emails from our local community college president.
    He's a new hire, and happens to be black, so Equity and Diversity are TOP PRIORITY for the college.
    Those things are what an education is all about, donchaknow...
    And if they can sprinkle some white guilt in there to soften you up a bit, so much the better!
