Monday, May 04, 2020


My summer travel plans have taken a hit:
Vul-Con 2020
​"The Spirit of Spock"
"​You just sit tight..."

We at the Vulcan, Alberta Canada Tourist Center thought Lt. Commander Data words were appropriate for us right now..... "Commander- you just sit tight. We'll have this all fixed in time for"...2021. Sitting tight is what the Vulcan Tourism Department has been doing these past few months with the virus making its way around the world and new developments on what seems a daily basis, we didn't know how this would unfold and effect our programming and events.

But with consultation of the Vulcan and County Tourism Committee we have made the sad and hard decision to cancel the Town of Vulcan's Star Trek Convention: Vul-Con 2020.

Considering all that is going on and with the restrictions that have been put in place as a result of the COVID 19 we have cancelled 2020's event and are now shifting our focus to Vul-Con 2021.

As Captain Picard has said "Every choice we make allows us to manipulate the future." We will make every effort to make our future Vul-Con 2021 an experience you will remember for a lifetime.

Best Regards
Bonnie Ellis
Town of Vulcan
​Community Service Manager
I'm genuinely bummed.


  1. That sucks. I really enjoyed reading about your last trip up there. Now I have to wait until 2021.

  2. What's the point of having a strong dollar if I can't go anywhere to enjoy it?
