Friday, March 20, 2020

West Point's Way of Dealing With Cadets Re: Coronavirus

The superintendent just sent out an email to all cadets, staff, and graduates, keeping everyone informed about what's going on at West Point.  I was particularly struck by these paragraphs:
Many of you have asked about when the Corps of Cadets will return to West Point. After a deliberate planning process, across the USMA enterprise, I decided that the Corps of Cadets will not return to West Point on 29 March as originally planned.

Keeping the Corps at home will better ensure the safety of the Corps, staff, faculty, and the West Point community. I do not know when the Corps will return at this point. Our deliberate and robust planning effort is focused on how to best continue our mission while fighting this virus - this process will identify the best time for the Corps to return.

My number one priority as Superintendent is the health, safety and security of every member of the Corps of Cadets and the West Point community. The decision to delay the return of the Corps was not made lightly - we are taking this action to ensure we continue to protect the force.

For the Corps of Cadets, I hope you had a productive first day of remote education. Your tactical officers, faculty members, and coaches will do everything possible to ensure your continued success. The Dean, the Commandant, the Athletic Director, and their teams have been fully engaged in setting you up for success as you continue the semester remotely. If you have any issues, please inform your TACs, TAC NCOs, faculty members, and coaches for assistance as needed. Your chain of command will communicate additional details and information in the days ahead as our course of action solidifies.

Corps ... let me also repeat what the Commandant said to you this week. This is not an extension of your spring break. I expect you to conduct yourselves as future professionals of the United States Army.
Well said.

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