Friday, March 20, 2020

My Taxes Are Paying For This Idiot's Education

Where else but UC Davis--or, as I call it, Berkeley-lite:
In a “breaking news” article late Wednesday that must be seen to be believed (archived here in case it’s changed), reporter Alex Weinstein refers to a message criticizing the CCP – a government hated by many Chinese immigrants – as “xenophobic.”

On Tuesday morning a shipping container on the edge of campus “was grafitied [sic] with xenophobic rhetoric that read, ‘The Chinese Communist Party = a danger to society,’ accompanied by a crudely drawn photo of a man wearing a surgical mask,” Weinstein reported:
This graffiti is part of a rise in racist and xenophobic propaganda all over the world, taking place in the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic thought to have originated in Wuhan, China. From the alleged assault of an Asian teenager on a Philadelphia subway to #ChineseDontComeToJapan trending on Japanese twitter ー these incidents seem to be increasing in frequency.
Weinstein never explains how criticizing a government that undeniably worsened the coronavirus outbreak by silencing those who discovered it – and letting Lunar New Year festivities continue in Wuhan, the source of the disease – indicates hostility toward people from other countries.
Do people like young Alex Weinstein even think?

1 comment:

  1. No, they don't think.
    For them, thinking = being "woke" to a certain issue.
    I see this time and time again.
